Bus Transfers To and From Billings Logan Airport

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- local_taxi By Taxi Billings Logan Airport Taxi
- train By Train Billings Logan Airport Train
Buses from Billings Logan International Airport with Bus Routes and Times

Public buses are available at the ground transportation center of Billings Logan International Airport.
Jefferson Lines and MET Transit are two bus services allowed to enter the facility.
All buses accept cash for one-way fare payments. You have to be ready with the exact amount of the bus fare when boarding the vehicle.
Here are the following bus rates for one-way fare and unlimited passes for a monthly ride.
One-Way Fares
- Adults (ages 19-61), $2.00
- Youth (ages 6-18), $1.50
- Senior citizens (62 years old and up), $1.00
- Persons with disabilities, $1.00
- Pre-school (below six years old), free
- Transfers, free
Unlimited Bus Ride (Monthly Passes)
- Adult (1-month pass), $28.00
- Youth/Student (must present valid ID), $21.00
- Senior Citizens, $12.00
- Persons with disabilities, $12.00
- Single-day pass, $4.00/day
- 10-ride ticket, $18.00
Special discounts may apply to Senior Citizens, Persons with disabilities, and Students.
All six and above passengers must pay the appropriate fare or use a ride/transfer pass. Citizens of qualifying age must present proof such as a valid Identification card showing the birth date.
Individuals with a disability will be required to obtain a Disability Identification Card from the bus Transit, or they may also present their Medicare card.